About Weekly Musings

Weekly Musings was a letter from the keyboard of writer Scott Nesbitt. Who’s me, in case you’re wondering.

Back in 2019, I had a bit of a mad idea. To write about a subject that had caught my interest in the previous week and share that bit of writing, warts and all, with a group of people via email. Many of those thoughts were still developing and coalescing as I put my fingers to various keyboards.

You could sum up the letter in the words of Michel de Montaigne:

What I write here is not my teaching, but my study; it is not a lesson for others, but for me. And yet it should not be held against me if I publish what I write. What is useful to me may also by accident be useful to another.

In 2023, I put Weekly Musings to bed. Why? I’m a firm believer in Craig Mod’s ideas around some projects having a limited lifespan, of some projects having a firm expiry date. With Weekly Musings, my plan was for the letter to have a four-year run.

This site is the archive of each full edition of the letter that I emailed over that four year span. It’s a chronicle of not just what caught hold of my interest, but also a chronicle of how my thinking on a topic developed.


The layout of this Weekly Musings was inspired by the website Urban Commuter.

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